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Enrolling in HealthChoice Illinois

You must complete your enrollment in HealthChoice Illinois before you can become a member of Aetna Better Health® of Illinois.

Choosing Aetna Better Health®


If you qualify for HealthChoice Illinois, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) will send you an enrollment packet in the mail.  As you complete your enrollment, you can choose Aetna Better Health® of Illinois as your health plan. You can complete your enrollment:

Online or by phone

Visit Illinois Client Enrollment Services’ website to complete the enrollment form or learn how to speak to a representative about enrolling.

Enroll in HealthChoice Illinois now

Before you can enroll

Before you can enroll in HealthChoice Illinois and choose Aetna Better Health as your health plan, you need to apply for health care benefits through HFS.

Apply for benefits

After you enroll

After you enroll

Once you’re enrolled in Aetna Better Health® of Illinois, we’ll send you a welcome packet in the mail. Your welcome packet will include:


  • Your member ID card that you’ll use to get health care services

  • Your member handbook with important phone numbers and health plan information

Have a question?

You can call Aetna Better Health® of Illinois Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711).

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