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Have questions?
You can download the provider manual (PDF) or the behavioral health services provider manual (PDF). You can also call Provider Relations at 1-855-242-0802 (TTY: 711).
You can download the provider manual (PDF) or the behavioral health services provider manual (PDF). You can also call Provider Relations at 1-855-242-0802 (TTY: 711).
Fee schedules and billing codes
You can find the billing codes you need for specific services in the fee schedules.
- Fee schedule
- Specialized behavioral health fee schedule (PDF)
- Mental Health Rehabilitation (MHR) Billing Guidelines (PDF)
Claims for federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and rural health clinics (RHCs): Be sure to list the provider on claims.
You’ll need to fill out a claim form. Use the provider ID 128LA for both CMS 1500 and UB 04 forms.
You must file claims within 180 days from the date you provided services, unless there’s a contractual exception. For inpatient claims, the date of service refers to the member’s discharge date. You have 180 days from the paid date to resubmit a revised version of a processed claim.
You can file claims for retro members through the normal claims process. These are members who are retroactively eligible for coverage.
Availity is our provider portal, which provides functionality for the management of patients, claims, authorizations and referrals. To submit claims online via Availity, choose the button labeled “Medicaid Claim Submission – Office Ally.” This link will take you directly to the Office Ally website where you can submit claims using their online claim entry feature or by uploading a claim file.
Providers must have an Office Ally account to submit claims online. Submission of your Aetna Better Health of Louisiana claims using Office Ally is free of charge. The status of claims submitted online should be managed through your Office Ally Account.
By mail
You can also mail hard copy claims or resubmissions to:
Aetna Better Health of Louisiana
Claims and Resubmissions
P.O. Box 982962
El Paso, TX 79998-2962
Mark resubmitted claims clearly with “resubmission” to avoid denial as a duplicate.
You may resubmit your claim for issues concerning nonclinical denials, missing information or a correction, and/or rate reimbursement disagreements.
Use this Provider Claim Resubmission Form (PDF) for the following reasons:
- Itemized Bill (mark the top of the claim “CLAIM FOR RESUBMISSION”)
- All claims associated with an Itemized Bill must be broken out per Rev Code to verify charges billed on the UB match the charges billed on the Itemized Bill. (Attach I-Bill that is broken out by rev code with sub-totals.)
- Duplicate Claim (mark the top of the claim “CLAIM FOR RESUBMISSION”)
- Review request for a claim whose original reason for denial was “duplicate”
- Provide documentation as to why the claim or service is not a duplicate such as medical records showing two services were performed
- Proof of Timely Filing (mark the top of the claim “CLAIM FOR RESUBMISSION”)
- For electronically submitted claims provide the second level of acceptance report
- Refer to Proof of Timely Filing Requirements in the Provider Manual
- Coordination of Benefits (mark the top of the claim “CLAIM FOR RESUBMISSION”)
- Attach EOB or letter from primary carrier
- Claim/Coding Edit (mark the top of the claim “CLAIM FOR RESUBMISSION”)
- We use two claims edit applications: Claim Check and Cotiviti.
- Refer to the Provider Manual for details.
- Corrected Claim (mark the top of the claim “CORRECTED CLAIM FOR RESUBMISSION”)
- Must be received within 180 days of the date of service or discharge date
- Newly added modifier
- Code changes
- Any change to the original claim
To resubmit a claim with missing information or a correction, mail claim and all supporting documentation appropriately labeled to the address specified on the form.
Note: Provider Claim Resubmissions do not include pre-service denials that were denied due to not meeting medical necessity. Pre-service denials are processed as member appeals and are subject to member policies and timeframes.
You can resubmit a claim through Availity or by mail. If you resubmit by mail, you’ll need to include these documents:
- Claim resubmission and dispute form (PDF)
- An updated copy of the claim — all lines must be rebilled
- A copy of the original claim (reprint or copy is acceptable)
- A copy of the remittance advice on which we denied or incorrectly paid the claim
- A brief note describing the requested correction
- Any other required documents
Both in-network and out-of-network providers have the right to appeal the result of a request for reconsideration. The claim reconsideration is the first step of the appeal process. For more information, refer to the Provider Manual.
Participating providers should follow the claim reconsideration followed by the appeals process:
- 1st Level Appeal: Provider must submit the claim reconsideration verbally or in writing, within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the remittance advice paid date.
- 2nd Level Appeal: If the claim reconsideration was upheld, the Provider must submit the appeal request in writing, via mail, fax, or online within ninety (90) calendar days of the notice of denial.
- Provide any additional or new clinical documents with the claim reconsideration or appeal.
- Aetna Better Health will take into account all documentation when rendering a decision on a claim reconsideration or appeal.
- When the claim reconsideration or appeal includes a medical necessity decision, it will be reviewed by the medical director who was not involved in the original denial
- A resolution letter will be mailed within 30 calendar days from receipt of the claim reconsideration or appeal
- Provider requests to appeal pre-service items on behalf of a member are considered member appeals and subject to the member appeal procedures and timeframes.
Your request for a claim reconsideration or appeal should include the appropriate form along with medical records to support your request. Do not submit the member’s entire medical record. Only submit the medical records relevant to your request and indicate which pages support your request. Submit your appeal through the option that is convenient for you.
You'll get a final determination letter with the appeal decision, rationale and date of the decision. We usually resolve provider appeals within 30 calendar days.
If the appeal decision isn’t in your favor, you can’t “balance bill” the member for services or payment that we denied for coverage.
You can file an appeal:
By phone
Just call 1-855-242-0802 (TTY: 711).
By mail
You can send your appeal to:
Aetna Better Health of Louisiana
Grievances and Appeals
PO Box 81040
5801 Postal Rd
Cleveland, OH 44181
By fax
Fax your appeal to 860-607-7657.
By email
Email us your appeal.
The Independent Review process was established by La-RS 46:460.81, et seq. to resolve claims disputes when a provider believes we have partially or totally denied claims incorrectly.
If we fail to send you remittance advice or other written or electronic notice (either partially or totally denying a claim) within 60 days of our receipt of the claim, this is a claims denial.
Independent review is a two-step process
- Start by submitting an independent reconsideration review form within 180 calendar days of the remittance advice paid, denial, or recoupment date. We'll acknowledge receipt of the independent reconsideration review in writing within 5 calendar days and make a decision within 45 days of receipt.
PO Box 81040
5801 Postal Rd
Cleveland, OH 44181 You may then submit the independent review to the Louisiana Department of Health if we:
- Uphold the adverse determination
- Don’t respond to the independent reconsideration review request within the 45 calendar days allowed
The fee for conducting an independent review is $750. If the independent reviewer renders their decision in:
- Our favor: You’ll need to reimburse us for this fee within 10 days of the final decision.
- Your favor: We’ll pay the disputed claims, along with 12% interest, within 20 calendar days of the final decision.
Submit a request for independent review
Complete the Louisiana Department of Health independent review request form.
Learn more about independent review
Send the completed request form with all required documents listed on the form via certified mail to the Louisiana Department of Health:
LDH/Health Plan Management
P.O. Box 91030, Bin 24
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9283
Attn: Independent Review
Reminder: Don’t send medical records to the Louisiana Department of Health. The independent reviewer will contact you and Aetna Better Health to obtain all the necessary documents.
EFT/ERA Registration Services (EERS)
EERS offers our providers a more streamlined way to access payment services. It gives you a standardized method of electronic payment and remittance while also expediting the payee enrollment and verification process.
EFT makes it possible for us to deposit electronic payments directly into your bank account. Some benefits of setting up an EFT include:
- Improved payment consistency
- Fast, accurate and secure transactions
ERA is an electronic file that contains claim payment and remittance info sent to your office. The benefits of an ERA include:
- Reduced manual posting of claim payment info, which saves you time and money, while improving efficiency
- No need for paper Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements
EERS offers payees multiple ways to set up EFT and ERA in order to receive transactions from multiple payers. If a provider’s tax identification number (TIN) is active in multiple states, a single registration will auto-enroll the payee for multiple payers. You can also complete registration using a national provider identifier (NPI) for payment across multiple accounts.
ECHO Health processes and distributes claims payments to providers. To enroll in EERS, visit the Aetna Better Health ECHO portal. You can manage electronic funds transfer (EFT) and electronic remittance advice (ERA) enrollments with multiple payers on a single platform.
Sign up for EFT
To sign up for EFT, you’ll need to provide an ECHO payment draft number and payment amount for security reasons as part of the enrollment authentication. Find the ECHO draft number on all provider Explanation of Provider Payments (EPP), typically above your first claim on the EPP. Haven’t received a payment from ECHO before? You’ll receive a paper check with a draft number you can use to register after receiving your first payment.
Update your payment or ERA distribution preferences
You can update your preferences on the dedicated Aetna Better Health ECHO portal.
Use our portal to avoid fees
Fees apply when you choose to enroll in ECHO’s ACH all payer program. Be sure to use the Aetna Better Health ECHO portal for no-fee processing. You can confirm you’re on our portal when you see “Aetna Better Health” at the top left of the page.
Be aware — you may see a 48-hour delay between the time you receive a payment, and an ERA is available.
Helpful resources
ECHO resources
- ECHO companion document (PDF)
- ECHO enrollment form (PDF)
- ECHO payments innovation for health plans (PDF)
- ECHO portal guide (PDF)
- ECHO frequently asked questions from providers (PDF)
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) resources: