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What is HEDIS®?

HEDIS stands for Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. We use HEDIS scores to measure our performance, determine quality initiatives and provide educational programs for you and our members. You can use HEDIS scores to monitor your patients’ health, identify developing issues and prevent further complications.

What is HEDIS used for?

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) coordinates HEDIS testing and scorekeeping. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses HEDIS scores to monitor a health plan’s performance. More than 90% of American health plans use HEDIS scores to compare how well the plan performs in areas like:


  • Quality of care
  • Access to care
  • Member satisfaction with the plan and providers

HEDIS Support

We have developed a program to help address our members' health care needs that align with HEDIS measures. Aetna Better Health of Virginia has partnered with mPulse to provide a digital solution for conducting outreach to members for care/service reminders and education. The goal of this program is to improve quality metrics, including HEDIS measures, as well as member health outcomes, via a digital communication solution that contacts the member via text message. Aetna provides all funding for this program. Therefore, there is no risk nor cost to providers who participate.


If you are interested in learning more and participating in the program, please reach out to our Quality Management department at

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

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