Links to various Aetna Better Health and non-Aetna Better Health sites are provided for your convenience. Aetna Better Health is not responsible or liable for non-Aetna Better Health content accuracy or privacy practices of linked sites or for products or services described on these sites.
Coming soon
Coming soon
As of January 1, 2025, Mental Health and Substance Use member benefits have transitioned to Carelon. They will be the main point of contact for all member
and provider behavioral health needs. The following are the contact details:
Phone Number: 1-800-888-1965
Language assistance services: 1-800-888-1965 TTY: 711
7550 Teague Road, Suite 500
Hanover, MD 21076
Direct Emails for provider support are as follows:
Provider inquires:
Utilization management:
Case management inquires:
It is vital that the release of information is signed in order coordinate care between medical and behavioral health providers. The following link to the ROI are available here:
Carelon behavioral health forms and documents
If a member is in a behavioral health crisis the following resources are available:
Behavioral Health Walk-In & Urgent Care Centers Resource Guide (PDF)
Designated psychiatric emergency facility list (PDF)
In addition, *988 is available 24/7 to members instant crisis support as well as CHAT support
Aetna Better Health of Maryland would like to make you aware of the opiate prescribing patterns of Value Based Solution providers patients as a way to help coordinate care between your primary care patients and any specialist in play. You can review the following notice of trends which have been identified (PDF).
Beginning May 1, 2024, a change to pharmacy benefits will include a copay for prescriptions for some medications, as directed by Maryland Medicaid:
Non-formulary brand-name - $3
Formulary brand-name - $1
Generic formulary and non-formulary - $1
Antiretroviral for the treatment of HIV/AIDS brand/generic - $1
Excluded from all pharmacy copays are:
Members under age 21
Members who are pregnant
American Indian tribal members
Members receiving a "short fill" (3-day supply) for emergency services
Members receiving hospice care
Members receiving family-planning activities
Members in long term care (LTC) facilities, skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and assisted living facilities